Monday, December 1, 2014

Coo Pics...

Here is a "Coo Pic" for you, why??? Because it's a "Coo Pic"....

This weeks pic is brought to you by my man Hek-Tek from the Bronx.. While my man is steadily putting in that tour work. (Deejaying all throughout the U.S. and Europe.) He always finds time to show the homeboys love.. Thanks "T"  FWYH/Vendetta sees you!


*DAMN, my bad on the lack of updates... The stuggle took me out for a minute, so I been on a scramble mission trying to piece together a new computs.. (Computer for those that ain't knowing) Anyway im FINALLY back in the game and of course I got updates, updates, and more updates in the days ahead!

Thanks for those that been checking the blog WE see you... " Ova and Out"


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